Before you answer this question take a look at Ideal Bite, a fun site loaded with tips about going 'green'. Changing habits and products isn't always easy; this site and blog offers tips and information about small things we can do to help preserve our planet.
In addition to providing daily 'bites' of information the site has an archive of past tips. I found a gem while skimming through past posts. Saying 'no' to printed catalogs and printed 'junk mail' is easier said than done; once in the clutches of mailing lists it's hard to get out. Ideal Bite offered a list of services that will actually help you escape these tree killers. Go to this post for information about sites and services that will help you "just say no''.
Before you answer this question take a look at Ideal Bite, a fun site loaded with tips about going 'green'. Changing habits and products isn't always easy; this site and blog offers tips and information about small things we can do to help preserve our planet.
In addition to providing daily 'bites' of information the site has an archive of past tips. I found a gem while skimming through past posts. Saying 'no' to printed catalogs and printed 'junk mail' is easier said than done; once in the clutches of mailing lists it's hard to get out. Ideal Bite offered a list of services that will actually help you escape these tree killers. Go to this post for information about sites and services that will help you "just say no''.