Don't you love personality quizzes? I do. Over the years they've helped me establish my identity (to be truthful, create my identity). But sometimes you have to wonder. Today I took a novel quiz; it didn't give me the self-enlightenment I usually find but it ranks among the most unusual I've taken. More about it below. . .
True sugar hound that I am, I have many favorite cookies. Circus Cookies, ginger snaps, peanut butter cookies - you get it, it's a long list. This month's favorite is Oreo Double Delight Mint Cream. The traditional crisp Oreo chocolate cookie, paired with a mint cream that has so much sugar in it that you can actually feel the texture of the granules, is exquisite.
Today I Googled Oreo, just to see if the web site is as wonderful as the cookie. It's a Nabisco website with a section devoted to all of their cookies. The Oreo site is incredible! Did you know that there are 14 varieties of the cookies? And you'll have a great time at the Oreo Memories site; it has online Oreo games, e-cards, and a jingle contest. But my favorite is the personality quiz. It's pretty standard - would you rather go to a party or stay home, would you sing at a karaoke party, etc. After you've answered all ten questions it determines if you're a Dunk, a Twist, or a Lick. I was pleased to find out that I'm a Dunk. For what that's worth.
Today I meant to blog about Vis.A.Vis Magazine, one of the most beautiful online magazines I've seen. I'll trust you to take a look at it yourself.


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