Wonderful news everyone! I'm going to be an aunt again! I have two beautiful sisters, one of whom is the proud mom of three girls and another who is expecting her first baby in July. She’s bringing another little girl into our family.
One of my favorite parts of being an aunt is being called “Nefie”. When my first three nieces were learning to talk none of them could pronounce "Stefanie" and each of them wound up with variations resembling "Nefie." I'm still not sure if they know my name but I like the moniker better. I sort of hope the newest member of our ever-growing family follows the trend.
While scoping out baby gifts on I came across the coolest announcement idea! My sister will love sending "It's A Girl!" cards with a miniature picture of her baby on the postage stamp. It's adorable; I just have to patiently wait another two months before for her first baby picture. The site also has other amazing and fun gift ideas - I'll definitely go back.
Posted by Stef.