I've learned while planning my Costa Rica adventure that products don't just pop out at you from the aisle shelves. Seek and you shall definitely uncover some amazing things. I plan on spending as much time outdoors as possible during this excursion, and yes, I'm aware of the adverse effects this may cause to my skin.

Luckily, while browsing the Beauty Snob's blog I found Solar Protection Pads, created by Park Avenue Skin Care dermatologist Dr. Neal Shutlz. A set of 60 grease free pads is packaged in a container that could be mistaken for a compact (how convenient!) and has an SPF of 30. I'll be able to easily touch up or reapply - often!

OK, maybe I'll throw in a backup lotion just to be on the safe side since I am traveling to a place in the neighborhood of our Earth's equator. I'm used to packing sunscreen with a consistency that doen't withstand an elevation of 40,000 feet, leaks onto everything, and has to be kept in a Ziploc bag.

I can't wait to try Solar Protection Pads while on the sands of Tamarindo! In the meantime I can test them while surfing here in California.

Posted by Stefanie.


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