Many of us are familiar with foster care and group homes for abused, neglected, and abandoned children who are caught (through no fault of their own) in the over-burdened legal system. What some don't know about is Advocates for Children (or CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates), a non-profit organization that pairs these children with adult volunteers who spend time with them. These kids have social workers who represent them in the legal system and many have attorneys, therapists and other professionals who work with them. But what few of these children have is an adult who will be a constant presence in their lives, a person who will spend time with them on a regular basis. Child Advocates are court-appointed volunteers who fill that need. They spend a minimum of 10 - 13 hours a month with the child they work with, doing everything from going to the zoo, the movies and the library, to ensuring that the child receives any special assistance that may be necessary. There are advocate programs nationwide; take a look at the organization's web site to find a chapter near you. There were 50,000 Advocates nationwide last year, not nearly enough for the hundreds of thousands of children who could benefit from having one. Your donation of time or funds can make a huge difference in the life of a child; don't we all want to make a difference?

(After posting this entry I was contacted by people who know I'm an Advocate and were curious about why I didn't put this in the entry. Simple answer. Doesn't everybody know I'm an Advocate? Seriously though. If you have any questions about the program or my experiences with it please contact me.)


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