After numerous travel tips from worldly folks I'm more knowledgeable about practicing safety abroad and won't be drinking any water that isn't already bottled (unless I accidentally swallow some of the Pacific Ocean while surfing!). I've also found an incredible way to fight off those nasty viruses that can turn a relaxing vacation into a huge stress. I remember last September when I caught some sort of bug in Ireland - I was feverish and miserable for almost four days. Well, as far as I'm concerned, Costa Rica will be a happy, healthy adventure.

I was skimming Daily Candy and came across an amazing article entitled, "Health Assurance." It was about Vuru, a company that creates customized supplement packs, making them easy to remember to take! The idea is absolutely perfect for a vacation since you can choose the duration of the supply. The packets are cute and will fit nicely in my travel bag. Plus, it beats carrying around a bunch of bottles and tissues and medicine, if I should catch a cold while in paradise. These daily packs are a great idea for everyday use, but I'm looking forward to using Vuru in Costa Rica!
Posted by Stefanie.


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